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Quick start

How to use

Pass your ecs-cluster name


  1. You must always provide the ecs-cluster on the command-line
  2. Optionally, you can provide the delay option to delay in-between checks
  3. Optionally, you can also provide the attempts option for the number of attempts for the health check

Use the -e option to exit with 1 when unhealthy


  1. You you provide the -e flag, the program will exit with exit code 1 if any of the target is unhealthy
  2. This is useful for continuous delivery - Jenkins, CircleCI and others


  1. Likewise, if you dont't provide the -e flag, the program will simply exit with exit code 0 if any of the target is unhealthy

Use the -b option to disable progress bar


On jenkins you may not want the progress bar to be printed out as it prints out the progress line by line. You can use the -b option to disable progress bar. By default, it prints the progress bar.

With Docker

docker run --rm \
  health-check --ecs-cluster esp-devops --attempts 50 --delay 2

  ## pass -b to disable progress bar on jenkins